Free Fake phone number!

Call anywhere in North America and change your caller ID for free. To begin enter your number, then the number of your friend you wish to call followed by the number you wish to display Once you are ready to place your call, press the Submit button. In a few seconds your phone will start to ring, answer it and it will then be connected to your friends number showing the Spoof Caller ID.

Sign up, Change Caller ID Covert Calling offers the lowest prices, for just $10.00 you can purchase 100 minutes. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Paypal.

Along with Caller ID Spoofing, Covert Calling allows you to Spoof text messages, change your voice and record all the phone calls you make. Using a Fake Phone Number has never been easier, Change your Caller ID now!

Once your account is created you also have the ability to place your calls over the phone. If your on the road and don't have access to your computer you can dial into our 800 number and place your Spoof Call anytime you like for no additional fees.